7 Ways I make My Paintings Golden

Writing my last blog post about why I use gold in my paintings I thought you may be interested to see the gold materials I use the most.


Paint. I love Ara acrylic paint. It is highly pigmented which is essential to me as I use a lot of water in my process.

Fluid Paint. I use these from Golden they work very well with water, the Golden mediums, or I use them neat for intense shine.

Oil pastels. My favourite are Sennelier gorgeous soft creamy texture and intense colour.

Gold Pencil. I use a Faber Castell one

Inks. I use Jacksons Alcohol based ink I love it for making swirls and patterns on top the surface of the dried acrylic paint.

Spray Paint. Love this either the Liquitex one or the Montana Gold

Gold Leaf. I tend to put this on it the last layers of the painting. Just to add the finishing touches of gold. Though I have in mind to cover the whole surface and paint on that in a future painting…watch this space!

 All the materials I use are high quality and light fast.

I buy almost all of my art supplies from Jacksons Art Suppliers. They have an amazing range and they have quite literally sent orders to me all over the world.


I was thinking of a blog post on mixed media that I use but this sort of covers it! I hope this is of interest, let me know if you have any questions or have any gold recommendations for me!

Please get in touch


Sunflowers, small paintings and the number4


This Is My Church